The Zero Anthropology Project

Webfolio for Maximilian C. ForteZERO ANTHROPOLOGY PROJECT






Focusing on Indigenous Peoples of the Caribbean–and specifically the Caribs of Trinidad–with some materials on international Indigenous issues, these articles, essays, and reports focus on Indigenous resurgence, Indigenous identity, and Indigenous history. This list will be updated on an annual basis. The date of the most recent edit was June 25, 2019.

2018. “Book Review: The Indigenous Peoples of Trinidad and Tobago from the First Settlers until Today, by Arie Boomert,” Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, December 7.

2015. “Indigenous Peoples Of The Caribbean: Podcast”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, March 31.

2014. “The First Peoples Narrative in Trinidad and Tobago”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, November 7.

2014. “Yurumein (Homeland): A Documentary on Caribs in St. Vincent”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, August 21.

2013. “October 14, Amerindian Heritage Day: Keeping Up to Date on the Indigenous People of Trinidad & Tobago”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, October 14.

2013. “Who Is An Indian? Race, Place, and the Politics of Indigeneity in the Americas”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, August 23.

2012. “Racial Discrimination: The Caribs, the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, and the United Nations”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, February 2.

2012. .“Contesting Trinidad’s Past: The Indigenous Peoples”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, January 26.

2011. “Wikileaks: The U.S. Embassy in Trinidad and Tobago, the Amerindians, and Indigenous Rights”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, February 2.

2011. “The Santa Rosa Carib Community of Arima, Trinidad and Tobago: A Video Introduction”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, July 25.

2011. “SANTA ROSA, by Melan Garcia”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, July 21.

2011. “ARIMA WAS, by Melan Garcia”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, July 21.

2011. “David Maybury-Lewis: Notes on the Abolition of the Indigenous”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, July 11.

2011. “Eurocentric Prejudice Still Taking Command of Carib History”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, July 4.

2011. “Domestic Counterinsurgency in Canada”. Anthropologists for Justice and Peace, June 13.

2011. “Carib Identity, Racial Politics, and the Problem of Belonging”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, May 1.

2009. “Forgetting the Caribs of Trinidad”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, October 24.

2009. “Some People Push Back: On the Justice of Roosting Chickens”. Zero Anthropology, July 10.

2009. “On Colonialism as Genocide: Ward Churchill Speaks at Concordia University, Montreal”. Zero Anthropology, April 17.

2009. “Ward Churchill v. ‘The Good Americans’: How Churchill’s Critics Made His Case”. Zero Anthropology, April 17.

2008. “U.S. Marines in Arima, Trinidad”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, October 29.

2008. “Independence, Nationalism, Indigeneity: Pride in Patrimony or Prostrate before Princes?Zero Anthropology, September 1.

2008. “Anthem of the Taíno Resurgence: Naboria Daca Ae Mayanimacaná”. Zero Anthropology, August 18.

2008. “Navajo Nation Steelpan, and Aboriginal Reggae”. Zero Anthropology, June 17.

2008. “Rapsure Risin”. Zero Anthropology, June 14.

2008. “RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS FOR ABORIGINALS IN CANADA: Links to Key Resources”. Zero Anthropology, June 14.

2008. “Repossession, Decolonization, and Anthropology: The Return of First Nations Remains”. Zero Anthropology, June 13.

2008. “Canada’s Apology to Aboriginals”. Zero Anthropology, June 11.

2008. “‘Canada’ — Dealing with the Hate Crime: Prime Minister’s Apology to Aboriginals this Wednesday”. Zero Anthropology, June 9.

2008. “‘Canada’ — The Name of a Hate Crime”. Zero Anthropology, June 9.

2008. “Restoration: More Indigenous than the Ancestors, in the Poet’s Eye”. Zero Anthropology, May 26.

2008. “What Does it Mean to be ‘Indigenous’ Today in the Caribbean?Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, April 4.

2008. “Internet Indigeneity and Anthropological Advocacy: Practicing Anti-Extinctionism, Diffusing Indigeneity, and Web Development as Action Research”. Text of the presentation made for the Trevor W. Purcell Memorial Speaker Series at the Department of Anthropology, University of South Florida, Tampa, March 19.

2008. “(Surface) Images & Aboriginal Graffiti from Kahnawake: A Mohawk Rez outside Montreal, Canada”. Zero Anthropology, March 10.

2007. “Indigenous Resistance/ Indigenous Reality: from The Fire This Time”. Zero Anthropology, November 26.

2007. “Indigenism and Essentialism, 2”. Zero Anthropology, November 24.

2007. “Guanaguanare: Universal Aboriginality”. Zero Anthropology, October 12.

2007. “News about Trinidad’s Caribs and the State”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, August 31.

2007. “Carib Santa Rosa Festival 2007”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, August 30.

2007. “Does Arima Matter?Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, March 11.

2007. “Does Trinidad Recognize Its Indigenous People”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, March 10.

2007. “The Catholic Church and the Caribs in Trinidad”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, March 10.

2006. “Caledonia, Ontario: Beware the Big Bad Indian”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, October 15.

2006. “Letter from Cristo Adonis (Carib, Trinidad)”. Zero Anthropology, September 5.

2006. “Addendum: Caribs & Santa Rosa, 2006”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, August 28.

2006. “Caribs and the Santa Rosa Festival, 2006”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, August 27.

2006. “Boycott Disney, Pirates of the Caribbean”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, June 17.

2006. “The Native ‘Terrorist’: Anti-Indigenous Vocabulary in 2006”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, May 23.

2006. “Cosmetic Respect for Indigenous Culture in Trinidad”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, February 6.

2005. “Caribs of Dominica to be Portrayed as Cannibals in Disney Film”. Review of the Indigenous Caribbean, February 14.

2005. “Extinction: The Historical Trope of Anti-Indigeneity in the Caribbean”. Issues in Caribbean Amerindian Studies, Vol. 6, Aug. 2004–Aug. 2005.

2005. “Writing the Caribs Out: The Construction and Demystification of the ‘Deserted Island’ Thesis for Trinidad”. Issues in Caribbean Amerindian Studies, Vol. 6, Aug. 2004–Aug. 2005.

2004. “How the Amerindians of Arima Lost Their Lands: Notes from Primary and Other Historical Sources, 1802-1880”. Issues in Caribbean Amerindian Studies, Vol. 5, Jun. 2003–Jun. 2004.

2003. “‘We Are Not Extinct’: The Revival of Carib and Taíno Identities, the Internet, and the Transformation of Offline Indigenes into Online ‘N-digenes’”. Issues in Caribbean Amerindian Studies, Vol. 4, Feb. 2002–Feb. 2003.

2002. “‘Our Amerindian Ancestors’: The State, the Nation, and the Revaluing of Indigeneity in Trinidad and Tobago”. Issues in Caribbean Amerindian Studies, Vol. 3, Feb. 2001–Feb. 2002.

1999. “From Smoke Ceremonies to Cyberspace: Globalized Indigeneity, Multi-Sited Research and the Internet”. Issues in Caribbean Amerindian Studies, Vol. 1, Sep. 1998 – Sep. 1999.

1998. “The International Indigene: Regional and Global Integration of Amerindian Communities in the Caribbean”. Issues in Caribbean Amerindian Studies, Vol. 1, Sep. 1998 – Sep. 1999.

1998. “Renewed Indigeneity in the Local-Global Continuum and the Political Economy of Tradition Among Modern West Indian Caribs”. Issues in Caribbean Amerindian Studies Vol. 1, Sep. 1998–Sep. 1999.


Image: Produced by Maximilian C. Forte, free for non-commercial reuse, with attribution.



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