Welcome to the course website for Anthropology/Sociology 336, Images of Self and Other in Cross-Cultural Context. The course director for 2003-2004 is Dr. Maximilian C. Forte. For this year, the primary theme is the social construction of selfhood and the categorization of others, from races to robots. The main questions of this course are: What makes us human? What makes us think that we are different from one another? How do we come into being as social selves of particular kinds?

Click on any of the links in the bar above to go to the main pages for this course. Not seeing a coherent set of clickable buttons? Then try using Internet Explorer 5+. Otherwise, this website will "always" be "under construction", at least for the duration of this year.

Here is an explanation of the pages you are taken to by the links above:

OVERVIEW--This is an introduction to the course, establishing its main analytical themes, course structure, primary questions of the course, goals to be achieved in my offering and your taking this course, and, general expectations of student performance in the course.

LECTURES--Here you will find a calendar outline of the schedule for various lectures, notes on some of the main topics to be addressed in the lectures, plus required and recommended readings to accompany that lecture. Due dates for assignments are also indicated in this schedule.

ASSIGNMENTS--This page provides you with precise details on the assignments, how they are to be conducted, what is to be expected, and how your work will be graded for these various assignments. Due dates are specified again. Here you will also find details on UCCB's plagiarism policies as well as grading structure and method. Updates and further details will be provided as the due dates draw nearer.

JOURNAL--This is my attempt at developing a provisional journal for the course, highlighting key themes and questions, some possible answers from my readings, as well as links to any relevant websites. This will be developed as the course progresses.

ROBOTS--Robots? Yes, you read correctly, and if you read the assignments page and check the final weeks of the lecture and reading schedule, it will be easy for you to guess why this has been included. Here you will find links to the three course robots, one an "Ultra Hal Assistant" which I have named Petra, a "Pandorabot" named Audrey, and another Pandorabot named Arthur. Feel free to have fun with them--your identities are concealed from me, but your conversations are in fact logged. When the time comes, these robots will be incorporated into one of your assignments.

CONTACT--Here you can not only e-mail the course director personally, but also provide feedback on the course and on the site itself, and contribute a question or comment to the course Message Board. Hopefully this will be one way for all of the students to conduct discussions, in the spirit of a study group, outside of the confines of the classroom.

BIBLIOGRAPHY--This is a comprehensive listing of all required readings for the course, recommended readings, and any other sources that are related to the topics we will be studying.

HANDOUTS--(No, this is not where you send me donations...that would be called "tribute".) On this page you will find links to documents, usually in MS Word, consisting of any handouts that I may have given in class, as well as the contents of overhead transparencies shown during lectures. If you missed a lecture, and cannot get a set of complete notes from a class mate, this will at least give you a partial idea of what transpired.

NEWS--You will find any important last minute announcements posted here, with the most recent appearing first. Make sure that I have your e-mail address, one that you consult on a daily basis, so that I can also send you any urgent announcements.

FAQ--This page, even more so than the others, will possibly only be "complete" after the course itself has ended. As I receive questions of a generic nature (i.e., "Can I see you outside of office hours?", "Can I revise and resubmit my paper?" etc.), I will post both the questions and replies on this page.

Please note, you should also avail yourself of WebCT as there are materials there that also accompany this course, such as the Discussion Board and other relevant items.  Help is available at  http://www.webct.com or for technical questions with this course, contact the Distance Education Office through the information provided below.

Steps to follow:

  1. Obtain a username and password from the Distance Education Officer at UCCB, currently Chris Appleton--Phone:   (902) 563 1805, Toll Free: 1 888 959 9995, Fax:  (902) 563 1449, Email: chris_appleton@uccb.ca

  2. Obtain Access to the Internet (current version of Netscape or Internet Explorer).

  3. Type in the URL http://elearning.uccb.ca, or click on it here.

  4. Click on SEE COURSES ON THIS SERVER, and locate AN/S 336 from the list, and click on the link

  5. On the next page you will be required to log in your WebCT ID and Password, obtained from Chris Appleton.

Best wishes to all of the students entering this course, I look forward to taking this journey with you.


PLEASE NOTE: THIS WEBSITE CAN ONLY BE VIEWED PROPERLY WHEN USING INTERNET EXPLORER 5+. In most other cases, the site design may appear to be fractured.

This page was designed and created by Maximilian C. Forte on Monday, 09 June, 2003.
SITE last updated: Saturday, 20 March, 2004.