On Monday, 06 October, I will collect your journals for a preliminary ungraded examination. This is to determine your progress, get insight into any problems you may be facing, and advising you on any ways you could improve, before any problems become too deeply entrenched.

Standards for assessing the Journal, some basic points to remember:

  1. Entries should be written with reference to the key course questions
  2. Entries should be written with reference to the main topics of a given section, say Section A
  3. What is the main argument of the article: summarize in one sentence
  4. What, for you, were some of the key points of the reading
  5. What questions, problems, if any, did it raise for you? What left you confused?
  6. What do you think was the instructor’s purpose in assigning the article
  1. Keep careful account of the specific reading to which your notes relate
  2. I will be looking for a basic minimum of two pages of typed single space writing per week
  3. Date your entries, and number your pages


Please Note: Week 4 (On Cannibalism, Colonialism, and Anthropology), will be extended by a further day into the start of Week 5. Wednesday, 01 October, is Treaty Day, and our Mi'kmaq colleagues will not be attending classes. On Monday, 06 October, 2003, we will be examining the readings by Chagnon and Lindberg on the topic for Week 4.

Also,  as it is relevant to the material I presented in class on Frantz Fanon and colonialism, I am ordering a copy of a movie titled "The Battle for Algiers", which lasts 117 minutes, and will be shown across two classes. I will show this as soon as it is received, so it might interrupt our schedule. Between the extended week above, and 1.5 classes spent on the movie, this will inevitably mean deleting one or more items for the syllabus. More details to follow.


Please Note: Week 6 (On The Decline of the Noble Savage and Myths of Extinction of the ‘Weaker Races’), will be cancelled, along with the assigned readings from Brian Fagan's Clash of Cultures. The class for Wednesday, 15 October, will also be cancelled. We resume on Monday, 20 October, with the topic as scheduled for that day, Cultural Relativism, along with the video to be shown in class. Also, on the 20th, your assignment sheet will be passed out.

CLASS FOR MONDAY, 17 NOVEMBER, 2003, and Office Hours for the following day have been cancelled due to injury.

In order to facilitate the writing of your final essay for this course,  during the course of December I will be drafting a list of possible questions that you may choose from. If you already have a topic or question of your own that you wish to pursue for the final essay, please speak to me in person.

KINDLY NOTE that the Assignments page has been updated, with links to the actual assignment sheets.

YOUR JOURNAL ASSIGNMENT, previously due on the first day of our return from winter break, will now be due on Wednesday, 07 January, 2004.

REVIEW #3, review essay on The Left Hand of Darkness and gender, previously due on Monday, February 2nd, will now be due on Monday, 09 February, 2004.

JOURNAL STAGE #2, what is actually a plan for the write up of your final essay, previously due on Monday, February 9th, will now be due on Wednesday, 25 February, 2004.

In an item appearing above, it was stated that a list of possible final essay topics would be offered to students. Given that this conflicts with the essay write-up plan mentioned immediately above, I will only offer this option as a backup plan for students in desperate difficulty, after they have submitted their own preliminary plan.

CLASS IS CANCELLED for Monday, 23 February, 2004.

PLEASE NOTE THAT THE DUE DATE FOR REVIEW #3, review essay on The Left Hand of Darkness and gender, previously due on Monday, February 2nd, will now be due on WEDNESDAY, 11 February, 2004, and NOT on Monday Feb. 9 as stated above.

CLASS IS CANCELLED for Wednesday, 04 February, 2004.

Review Essay #4, originally due Monday, Mar. 1, PLUS the Short Exercise, "AI Exercise Write up" originally due on Monday, Mar. 29, have both been CANCELLED. I will take the combined total of their worth in the final grade, 10%, and make your best piece of work submitted for this course worth 10% more.


LATEST NEWS (20 March 2004):

The book by Rodney Brooks, Flesh and Machines, will be the last reading assignment you will have for this course.

You may end your entries for the Journal with the assigned readings by TSANG and by NAKAMURA. Do not continue beyond that point. As you are already writing a book review for Brooks, there is no need to add any entries for that book in your Journal.

The due date for the book review essay on Flesh and Machines has been extended to Wednesday, 24 March, 2004.

The final date for submission of your COURSE JOURNAL (photocopy only please), plus your FINAL ESSAY (following the outline you submitted), is TUESDAY, 13 APRIL, 2004, between the hours of 3:00pm and 5:00pm, either in person in B-273, or via e-mail.


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This page was designed and created by Maximilian C. Forte on Monday, 09 June, 2003.

Page last updated: Saturday, 20 March, 2004.