AN/S 336, Images of Self and Other in Cross-Cultural Context
Dr. Maximilian C. Forte
Sydney, Canada: University College of Cape Breton
(Documentation commenced in June 2003)

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Edge, Hoyt, and Suryani, Luh Ketut. N.d. “Selves in Bali”. Rollins College. Available at: Accessed 10 June 2003.

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Freeman, Derek. 1989. “Comment on Heider’s ‘The Rashomon Effect’”. American Anthropologist 91(1) Mar: 169-171.

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Hall, Stuart, ed. 1997. Representation: Cultural Representation and Signifying Practices. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications. (Table of Contents: The work of representation /Stuart Hall --Representing the social : France and Frenchness in post-war humanist photography /Peter Hamilton --The poetics and the politics of exhibiting other cultures /Henrietta Lidchi --The spectacle of the "other" /Stuart Hall --Exhibiting masculinity /Sean Nixon --Genre and gender : the case of soap opera /Christine Gledhill.  Synopsis:  This broad-ranging text offers a comprehensive outline of how visual images, language and discourse work as systems of representation'.  Individual chapters explore: representation as a signifying practice in a rich diversity of social contexts and institutional sites; the use of photography in the construction of national identity and culture; other cultures in ethnographic museums; fantasies of the racialized Other' in popular media, film and image; the construction of masculine identities in discourses of consumer culture and advertising; and the gendering of narratives in television soap operas.)

Hall, Stuart, and Du Gay, Paul, eds. 1996. Questions of Cultural Identity. London:  Sage. [UCCB: HM 101 Q47 1996]

Handler, Richard. 1988. Nationalism and the Politics of Culture in Quebec. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. [UCCB: FC 2920 N3 H36 1988]

Handler, Richard. 1986. “Authenticity”. Anthropology Today 2(1): 2-4.
Handler, Richard. 1986. “Of Cannibals and Custom: Montaigne’s Cultural Relativism”.
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Handler, Richard. 1985. “On Having a Culture: Nationalism and the Preservation of Quebec's Patrimoine”. In Objects and Others. George Stocking, ed. Pp. 192-217. Madison WI: The University of Wisconsin Press. [UCCB: GN 35 O25 1985]

Handler, Richard. 1985. “On Dialogue and Destructive Analysis: Problems in Narrating Nationalism and Ethnicity”. Journal of Anthropological Research  41 (2): 171-182.

Handler, Richard and Linnekin, Jocelyn. 1984. “Tradition, Genuine or Spurious”. Journal of American Folklore 97(385): 273-290

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Hannerz, Ulf. 1990. “Cosmopolitans and Locals in World Culture”. In Global Culture: Nationalism, Globalization and Modernity. Mike Featherstone, ed. Pp. 237-251. London: Sage. [SMU: HM 101 G58 1990]

Hannerz, Ulf. 1987. “The World in Creolisation”. Africa 57(4): 546-559

Hanson, Allan. “The Making of the Maori: Culture Invention and its Logic”. American Anthropologist 91: 891-902

Hatch, Elvin. 1983. Culture and Morality: The Relativity of Values in Anthropology. New York : Columbia University Press. [UCCB: GN 345.5 H37 1982]

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Hebdige, Dick. 1993. Subculture: The Meaning of Style. London: Routledge. [SMU: HQ 799 G7 H43]

Heider, Karl G. 1988. “The Rashomon Effect: When Ethnographers Disagree”. American Anthropologist 90(1) Mar: 73-81.

Heider, Karl. 1989. “Reply to Freeman and Rhoades”. American Anthropologist 91(2) Jun: 450.

Herdt, G. 1987. “Masculinity”. In Guardians of the Flutes. New York: Columbia University Press. [Ch. 7, 203-254] [UCCB: GN 671N5 H44]

Herskovits, Melville J. 1972. Cultural Relativism: Perspectives in Cultural Pluralism. 1st ed. New York, Random House. [DALKIL KILLAM 3-4FLR, SMU: GN 405 H4]

Hess, David J. 1994. “Parallel Universes: Anthropology in the World of Technoscience”. Anthropology Today 10(2) Apr.:16-18.

Hobsbawm, Eric J. 1992. Nations and Nationalism since 1780: Programme, Myth, Reality. 2d ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [UCCB: JC 311 H577 1990]

Hobsbawm, Eric J. 1983. “Introduction: Inventing Traditions”. In The Invention of Tradition. Eric Hobsbawm and Terence Ranger, eds. Pp. 1-13. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [UCCB: GT 95 I58 1983]

Horvath, Ronald J. 1972. “A Definition of Colonialism”. Current Anthropology 13(1) Feb: 45-56.
Hsu, Francis L. K. 1964. “Rethinking the Concept ‘Primitive’”. Current Anthropology 5(3) Jun: 169-178.

Hulme, Peter. 1992. Colonial Encounters: Europe and the Native Caribbean, 1492-1797. London: Routledge. [Introduction, 1-12; Ch. 1, “Columbus and the Cannibals”, 13-43.] [UCCB: F 1619.3 G68 H85 1992]

Hunter, Herbert M. and Sameer Y. Abraham, eds. 1987. Race, Class and the World System: The Sociology of Oliver C. Cox. New York: Monthly Review Press.

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Jackson, Jean. 1989. “Is there a Way to Talk about Making Culture without Making Enemies?” Dialectical Anthropology 14(2):127-143.

Jenkins, Richard. 1994. “Rethinking Ethnicity: Identity, Categorization and Power.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 17: 197-223.

Jenkins, Richard. N.d. “Social Anthropological Models of Inter-Ethnic Relations”. 170-186.

Kapferer, Bruce. 1988. Legends of People, Myths of State: Violence, Intolerance and Political Culture in Sri Lanka and Australia. Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution Press.

Kapferer, Bruce. 1976. “Introduction: Transactional Models Reconsidered.” In B. Kapferer, ed., Transaction and Meaning. Philadelphia PA: Institute for the Study of Human Issues. 1-24.

Keesing, Roger. 1987. “Anthropology as Interpretive Quest”. Current Anthropology 28(2) Apr: 161-176.

Keesing, Roger and Robert Tonkinson, eds. 1982. “Reinventing Traditional Culture: The Politics of Kastom in Island Melanesia”. Mankind 13 (4).

Keyes, C. 1976. “Towards a New Formulation of the Concept of Ethnic Group” Ethnicity 3 (3): 202-213.

Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara. 1998. Destination Culture: Tourism, Museums, and Heritage. Berkeley: University of California Press. (Publisher Comments: Destination Culture takes the reader on an eye-opening journey from ethnological artifacts to kitsch. Posing the question, "What does it mean to show?" Barbara KirshenblattGimblett explores the agency of display in a variety of settings: museums, festivals, world's fairs, historical re-creations, memorials, and tourist attractions. She talks about how objects -- and people -- are made to "perform" their meaning for us by the very fact of being collected and exhibited, and about how specific techniques of display, not just the things shown, convey powerful messages. Her engaging analysis shows how museums compete with tourism in the production of "heritage". To make themselves profitable, museums are marketing themselves as tourist attractions. To make locations into destinations, tourism is staging the world as a museum of itself. Both promise to deliver heritage. Although heritage is marketed as something old, she argues that heritage is actually a new mode of cultural production that gives a second life to dying ways of life, economies, and places. The book concludes with a lively commentary on the "good taste/bad taste" debate in the ephemeral "museum of the life world", where everyone is a curator of sorts and the process of converting life into heritage begins. Synopsis: To make themselves profitable, museums are marketing themselves as tourist attractions. To make locations into destinations, tourism is staging the world as a museum. Both promise to deliver heritage. Although heritage is marketed as something old, the author argues that heritage is actually a new mode of cultural production that revives dying ways of life, economies, and places. The techniques of display are discussed in a variety of settings: museums, festivals, world's fairs, memorials, and tourist attractions, where the very fact that objects are collected and exhibited conveys meaning to visitors.) [UCCB: GN 36 K57 1998]

Krausz, Michael, ed. 1989. Relativism: Interpretation and Confrontation. Notre Dame, Ind: University of Notre Dame Press. [UCCB: BJ 37 R37 1989]

Landsman, Gail and Ciborski, Sara. 1992. “Representation and Politics: Contesting Histories of the Iroquois”. Cultural Anthropology 7 (4):425-447.

Langton, Marcia. 1993. “Rum, Seduction and Death: ‘Aboriginality’ and Alcohol”. Oceania 63: 195-205.

Lattas, Andrew. 1993. “Essentialism, Memory and Resistance: Aboriginality and the Politics of Authenticity”. Oceania 63:240-267.

Layng, Anthony. 1979-80. “Ethnic Identity on a West Indian Reservation”. Revista Interamericana 9 (4):577-584.

Lechner, F. J. 1984. “Ethnicity and Revitalization in the Modern World System”. Sociological Focus  17 (3).

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Lévi-Strauss, Claude. 1971. “Race and Culture”. International Social Science Journal 23 (4): 608-625.

Lévy, Pierre. 2001. Cyberculture. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. [Kings: HM 851 C9313 2001]

Lewis, Diane. 1973. “Anthropology and Colonialism”. Current Anthropology 14(5) Dec: 581-602.

Lindberg, Christer. N.d. “The Image of the Native American in the Early Days of Anthropology”. Conference Paper.

Linnekin, Jocelyn S. 1992. “On the Theory and Politics of Cultural Construction in the Pacific”. Oceania 62(4):249-263.

Linnekin, Jocelyn S.  1983. “Defining Tradition: Variations on the Hawaiian Identity”. American Ethnologist 10(2) May:241-252.

Linton, Ralph. 1943. “Nativistic Movements”. American Anthropologist 45: 230-240.

Lorimer, D. 1978. Colour, Class and the Victorians: English Attitudes to the Negro in the Mid-Nineteenth Century. New York: Homes and Meier. [UCCB: DA 125 N4 L67 1978]

Mannoni, O. 1965. Prospero and Caliban. London: Methuen. [DALKIL KILLAM 3-4FLR: DT 469 M276 M3613 1990]

Memmi, Albert. 1965. The Colonizer and the Colonized. New York: Orion Press. [UCCB: JV 15 M413 1967]

Menzel, Peter, and D’Alusion, Faith. 2000. Robo Sapiens: Evolution of a New Species. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press. [KINGS: TJ 211 M45 2000]

Miner, Horace. 1956. “Body Ritual Among the Nacirema”. American Anthropologist 58(3) Jun: 503-507.

Moerman, Michael. 1968. “Being Lue: Uses and Abuses of Ethnic Identification”. In Essays on the Problem of Tribe. June Helm, ed. Pp. 153-169. Seattle: American Ethnological Society, University of Washington Press. [SFX MACD: GN 2 A4 1967]

Moerman, Michael. 1965. “Ethnic Identification in a Complex Civilization: Who are the Lue?” American Anthropologist 67:1215-1230.

Moore, Richard B. 1973. “Carib ‘Cannibalism’: A Study in Anthropological Stereotyping”. Caribbean Studies 13:117-135.

Nagata, Judith. 1974. “What is a Malay? Situational Selection of Ethnic Identity in a Plural Society”. American Ethnologist 1 (2): 331-350.

Naficy, Hamid, and Gabriel, Teshome H., eds. 1993. Otherness and the Media: The Ethnography of the Imagined and the Imaged. Langhorne, Pa: Harwood Academic Publishers. (Introduction - Consuming the Other -- 1. Displacing Limits of Difference: Gender, Race and Colonialism In Edward Said and Homi Bhabha's Theoretical Models and Marguerite Duras's Experimental Films / Christine Anne Holmlund -- 2. The Bedouin, the Beatniks, and the Redemptive Fool / Smadar Lavie -- 3. Gender and Culture of Empire: Toward a Feminist Ethnography of the Cinema / Ella Shohat -- 4. Exile Discourse and Televisual Fetishization / Hamid Naficy -- 5. Recodings: Possibilities and Limitations in Commercial Television Representations of African-American Culture / Herman Grey -- 6. Catalan Cinema: Historical Experience and Cinematic Practice / Marvin D'Lugo --7. Making a Nation in Sembene's Ceddo / Philip Rosen --8. Doubleness and Idiosyncrasy in Cross-Cultural Analysis / Scott Nygren -- 9. All-Owning Spectatorship / Trinh T. Minh-ha -- 10. Travelling Sounds: Whose Center, Whose Periphery? / Iain Chambers.11. Ruin and the Other: Towards a Language of Memory /Teshome H. Gabriel -- 12. "What's in a Name?": Film Culture and the Self/Other Question / Martin Blythe --13. Eurocentrism, Afrocentrism, Polycentrism: Theories of Third Cinema / Robert Stam -- 14. Setting Up the Stage: A Decade of Latin American Film Scholarship /Ana M. Lopez.)

Naficy, Hamid, and Gabriel, Teshome H. 1991. Discourse of the Other: Postcoloniality, Positionality And Subjectivity. Chur: Harwood Academic Publishers. [MSVU: PN 1995.9 S6 D5 1991]

Nakamura, Lisa. 1995. “Race in/for Cyberspace: Identity Tourism and Racial Passing on the Internet”. Works and Days 13(1-2).

Nandy, Ashis. 1983. The Intimate Enemy: Loss and Recovery of Self under Colonialism. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. [SMU: JV 305 N25 1988]

Nelson, Diane M. 1994. “Gendering the Ethnic-National Question: Rigoberta Menchu Jokes and the Out-Skirts of Fashioning Identity”. Anthropology Today 10 (6) Dec: 3-7.

Neumann, Iver B. 1998. Uses of the Other: “The East” in European Identity Formation. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. (Contents: 1. Uses of the Other in World Politics -- 2. Making Europe: The Turkish Other -- 3. Making Europe: The Russian Other -- 4. Making Regions: Northern Europe -- 5. Making Regions: Central Europe -- 6. Making Nations: Russia -- 7. Making Nations: Bashkortostan -- 8. Conclusion: Self and Other after the Death of the Sovereign Subject.)

Nissim-Sabat, Charles. 1987. “On Clifford Geertz and His ‘Anti Anti-Relativism’”. American Anthropologist 89(4) Dec: 935-939.

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Zolov, Eric. 1999. Refried Elvis: The Rise of the Mexican Counterculture. Berkeley: University of California Press. (Publisher Comments: This powerful study shows how America's biggest export, rock and roll, became a major influence in Mexican politics, society, and culture. From the arrival of Elvis in Mexico during the 1950s to the emergence of a full-blown counterculture movement by the late 1960s, Eric Zolov uses rock to illuminate Mexican history through these charged decades and into the 1970s. This fascinating narrative traces the rechanneling of youth energies away from political protest in the wake of the 1968 student movement and into counterculture rebellion, known as La Onda (The Wave). Refried Elvis accounts for the events of 1968 and their aftermath by revealing a mounting crisis of patriarchal values, linked both to the experience of modernization during the 1950s and 1960s and to the limits of cultural nationalism as promoted by a one-party state. Through an engrossing analysis of music and film, as well as fanzines, newspapers, government documents, company reports, and numerous interviews, Zolov shows how rock music culture became a volatile commodity force, whose production and consumption strategies were shaped by intellectuals, state agencies, transnational and local capital, musicians, and fans alike. More than a history of Mexican rock, Zolov's study demonstrates the politicized nature of culture under authoritarianism, and offers a nuanced discussion of the effects of cultural imperialism that deepens our understanding of gender relations, social hierarchies, and the very meanings of national identity in a transnational era. Table of Contents: Rebeldismo in the revolutionary family: rock 'n' roll's early impact on Mexican state and society -- Containing the rock gesture -- La Onda: Mexico's counterculture and the student movement of 1968 -- La Onda in the wake of Tlatelolco -- La Onda Chicana: the reinvention of Mexico's countercultural community -- The Avâandaro Rock Festival -- A critique of the "Obvious Imperialist": the USIA. )


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