Fall Semester, 2004
Part One:
Week 1
[return to top]
Review: Viewing the Media in Anthropology and Sociology
Mon. 13 Sept. & Weds. 15 Sept.
ADORNO, Theodor, and HORKHEIMER, Max. “The Culture Industry:
Enlightenment as Mass Deception”. Available at:
CHANDLER, Daniel. “Marxist Media Theory”. Available at:
Note: whenever you cannot access
an article through the link provided, go to and enter the old
URL (i.e., into the "Wayback Machine". You will see an
archive of all copies made of the article--for consistency, please choose
the oldest available copy to read in each case.
Week 2
[return to top]
Introduction to Anthropology of Media: what is an anthropological
approach to media?
Mon. 20 Sept. & Weds. 22 Sept.
Ch. 2 What are Media?, 32-58. In FLERAS, Augie. Mass Media
Communication in Canada. Scarborough, Ont: Thomson Nelson, 2003. [ON
Introduction: Kelly Askew and Richard R. Wilk.
1-14. In ASKEW, Kelly, and WILK, Richard R. The Anthropology of
Media: A Reader. Oxford: Blackwell, 2002. [ON RESERVE]
Week 3
[return to top]
Anthropology and Media: A history
Mon. 27 Sept. & Weds. 29 Sept.
“Introduction”. In GINSBURG, Faye D.; ABU-LUGHOD, Lila; and, LARKIN,
Brian. Media Worlds: Anthropology on New Terrain. Berkeley:
University of California Press, 2002. [ON RESERVE].
Week 4
[return to top]
Major Debates in Studies of Media and Culture
Mon. 4 Oct. & Weds. 6 Oct.
Ch. 1.
The Medium is the Message:
Marshall McLuhan. 18-26. In
ASKEW, Kelly, and WILK, Richard R. The Anthropology of Media: A Reader.
Oxford: Blackwell, 2002. [ON RESERVE]. Also available at:
Ch. 2.
The Technology and the Society:
Raymond Williams. 27-40. In ASKEW, Kelly, and WILK, Richard R.
The Anthropology of Media: A Reader. Oxford: Blackwell, 2002. [ON
Oh What a Blow That Phantom Gave Me
Part Two:
Ethnographic Approaches to Media Studies
Week 5
[return to top]
Ethnography of the Media, I: Re-Encountering Ethnography
Mon. 11 Oct. (Thanksgiving, Closed) & Weds. 13 Oct.
Introduction: what is ethnography? 1-16.
In MACHIN, David. Ethnographic Research for Media
Studies. London: Hodder Arnold, 2002. [Bookstore]
Ethnography in
anthropology: from magic to the media, 17-32. In MACHIN,
David. Ethnographic Research for Media Studies. London: Hodder
Arnold, 2002. [Bookstore]
Ch. 15.
Carrying out an
ethnographic study, 165-170. In MACHIN, David.
Ethnographic Research for Media Studies. London: Hodder Arnold, 2002.
Week 6
[return to top]
Ethnography of the Media, II: Approaching Research
Mon. 18 Oct. & Weds. 20 Oct.
Research approaches to the mass media, 66-80.
In MACHIN, David. Ethnographic Research for Media
Studies. London: Hodder Arnold, 2002. [Bookstore]
Ch. 5, Developing a Research Question, 73-86. In PRIEST, Susanna Hornig.
Doing Media Research: An Introduction. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage
Publications, 1996. [ON RESERVE]
Ch. 7, Interpreting: Introducing Qualitative Methods, 103-118. In PRIEST,
Susanna Hornig. Doing Media Research: An Introduction. Thousand
Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1996. [ON RESERVE]
AAA. Code of Ethics of the American Anthropological Association,
approved June 1998. Available at:
Week 7
[return to top]
Ethnography of the Media, III: Audience Research
Mon. 25 Oct. & Weds. 27 Oct.
Ch. 1, Approaching media audiences, 3-25. In SCHRODER, Kim; DROTNER,
Kirsten; KLINE, Steve; MURRAY, Catherine. Researching Audiences.
2003. Abingdon, Oxon: Hodder Arnold. [ON RESERVE]
Ch. 2, Living Fieldwork--Writing Ethnography, 48-75. In
GILLESPIE, Marie. 1995. Television, Ethnicity
and Cultural Change. London: Routledge. [ON RESERVE]
Ch. 5, Audiences, Identity and Television Talk, 108-140. In BARKER,
Chris. Television, Globalization and Cultural Identities.
Buckingham, U.K.; Philadelphia, Pa.: Open University Press, 1999. [ON
Week 8
[return to top]
Ethnography of the Media, IV: Research Across Mass Media
Mon. 1 Nov. & Weds. 3 Nov.
Watching television in the home, 99-102. In
MACHIN, David. Ethnographic Research for Media Studies.
London: Hodder Arnold, 2002. [Bookstore]
Ch. 9.
Why we watch
soaps, 108-113. In MACHIN, David. Ethnographic Research
for Media Studies. London: Hodder Arnold, 2002. [Bookstore]
Ch. 10.
Adoring film
stars, 114-122. In MACHIN, David. Ethnographic Research
for Media Studies. London: Hodder Arnold, 2002. [Bookstore]
Week 9
[return to top]
Ethnography of New Media, I: Internet Research
Mon. 8 Nov. & Weds. 10 Nov.
Using the Internet, 123-130. In
MACHIN, David. Ethnographic Research for Media Studies. London:
Hodder Arnold, 2002. [Bookstore]
Ch. 3. Doing Ethnography in Cyberspace, 37-66. In HAKKEN, David.
Cyborgs@Cyberspace: An Ethnographer Looks to the Future. London:
Routledge, 1999. [ON RESERVE]
Ch. 3, The Virtual Objects of Ethnography, pp. 41-66. In HINE, Christine.
Virtual Ethnography. London: Sage, 2000 [ON RESERVE]
Week 10
[return to top]
Ethnography of New Media, II: Internet Research
Mon. 15 Nov. & Weds. 17 Nov.
MANN, Chris, and STEWART, Fiona. Internet Communication and
Qualitative Research: A Handbook for Researching Online. London: Sage,
2000. Ch. 4, “Introducing Online Methods”, 65-98 [ON RESERVE]
the Net: Intricacies and Issues", by Steve Jones. In JONES, Steve (ed).
Doing Internet Research: Critical Issues and Methods for Examining the
Net. London: Sage, 1999. [ON RESERVE]
Ch. 1, Conclusions, 1-26. In MILLER, Daniel, and SLATER, Don. The
Internet: An Ethnographic Approach. Oxford: Berg, 2000. [Bookstore]
Part Three:
Decoding Media Messages
Week 11
[return to top]
Interpreting Documents
Mon. 22 Nov. & Weds. 29 Nov.
Ch. 2. Ethnographic document analysis. In ALTHEIDE, David L. Qualitative
Media Analysis. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 1996. [ON RESERVE]
HANKS, W. F. “Text and Textuality”. Annual Review of
Anthropology, Vol. 18. (1989), pp. 95-127. Stable URL (this URL may
not work from a non-library location--if so, go to this link,,
login, and do a search for the article title):
Week 12
[return to top]
Signs, Systems and Semiotics
Mon. 29 Nov. & Weds. 1 Dec.
Ch. 4. Semiotics, Signs, Codes
and Cultures, 99-127. In GRIPSRUD, Jostein. Understanding Media Culture.
2002. Abingdon, Oxon: Hodder Arnold. [ON RESERVE]
Ch. 2, Signs and Systems, 29-47. In THWAITES, Tony; DAVIS, Lloyd; and,
MULES, Warwick. Introducing Cultural and Media Studies: A Semiotic
Approach. New York: Palgrave, 2002. [ON RESERVE]
EXAMINATIONS: 6-17 December [return to
Winter Semester, 2005
Part Four:
Media Overviews
Week 1
[return to top]
Television Culture
Mon. 3 Jan. (Closed, classes begin on 4 Jan) & Weds. 5 Jan.
Ch. 9, Television’s Social Impact, 134-152. In KOTTAK, Conrad
Phillip. Prime-Time Society: An Anthropological Analysis of Television
and Culture. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1990. [ON
Shaheen, J.G. Television programming in selected Middle East nations. In
LENT, John A., ed. Case Studies of Mass Media in the Third World.
Williamsburg, Va. : Dept. of Anthropology, College of William and Mary,
1980. [ON RESERVE]
Ch. 1 - TAKING SOAP OPERA SERIOUSLY: The World of Guiding Light. In
INTINTOLI, Michael James. Taking Soaps Seriously: The WorId of
GUIDING LIGHT. New York: Praeger, 1984. Available at:
Chapter Five: Conclusions. In
MICHAELS, Eric. TV Tribes. PhD Dissertation presented to the
Faculty of the Graduate School of The University of Texas at Austin, 1982.
Available at:
Week 2
[return to top]
Film and Photography
Mon. 10 Jan. & Weds. 12 Jan.
Ch. 14. "And Yet My Heart Is Still Indian": The Bombay Film
Industry and the (H)Indianization of Hollywood, 281-300. In GINSBURG, Faye
D.; ABU-LUGHOD, Lila; and, LARKIN, Brian. Media Worlds: Anthropology on
New Terrain. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002. [ON
Ch. 15.
The Tongan Tradition of Going to the
Movies: Elizabeth Hahn. 258-269. In ASKEW,
Kelly, and WILK, Richard R. The Anthropology of Media: A Reader.
Oxford: Blackwell, 2002. [ON RESERVE]
Week 3
[return to top]
The Internet
Mon. 17 Jan. & Weds. 19 Jan.
CASTELLS, Manuel. The Rise of the Network Society. 2nd
ed. Oxford: Blackwell, 2000. Ch. 5, “The Culture of Real Virtuality: the
Integration of Electronic Communications, the End of the Mass Audience,
and the Rise of Interactive Networks”, pp. 355-406. [ON RESERVE]
JONES, Steve G. “The Internet and its Social Landscape”. In Steve G. Jones
(ed), Virtual Culture: Identity and Communication in Cybersociety,
Pp. 7-35. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1998. [ON RESERVE]
BELL, David. An Introduction to
Cybercultures. London: Routledge, 2001. Ch. 6, “Identities in
Cyberculture”, 113-136. [ON RESERVE]
Part Five:
Week 4
[return to top]
Colonialism and the Media
Mon. 24 Jan. & Weds. 26 Jan.
Ch. 8.
The Imperial Imaginary:
Ella Shohat and Robert Stam. 117-147. In ASKEW, Kelly, and WILK,
Richard R. The Anthropology of Media: A Reader. Oxford: Blackwell,
2002. [ON RESERVE]
Ch. 2. Visual Media and the Primitivist Perplex: Colonial Fantasies,
Indigenous Imagination, and Advocacy in North America, 58-74, Harald E.L.
Prins. In GINSBURG, Faye D.; ABU-LUGHOD, Lila; and, LARKIN, Brian. Media
Worlds: Anthropology on New Terrain. Berkeley: University of
California Press, 2002. [ON RESERVE]
Week 5
[return to top]
Globalization, Localization and the Media
Mon. 31 Jan. & Weds. 2 Feb.
Ch. 20.
The Global and the Local in International
Communications: Annabelle Sreberny-Mohammadi. 337-356.
In ASKEW, Kelly, and WILK, Richard R. The Anthropology of Media:
A Reader. Oxford: Blackwell, 2002. [ON RESERVE]
Ch. 2, Global Television and Global Culture, 33-59. In BARKER, Chris.
Television, Globalization and Cultural Identities. Buckingham, U.K.;
Philadelphia, Pa. : Open University Press, 1999. [ON RESERVE]
“Cyberspace and the Globalization of Culture”. In David Bell and Barbare
M. Kennedy (eds), The Cybercultures Reader, Pp. 721-731. London:
Routledge, 2000. [ON RESERVE]
Film: National Film Board of Canada. Media and Society,
1989: Vol. 3. Cultural Sovereignty, Shaping Information.
Week 6
[return to top]
Nationalism and the Media
Mon. 7 Feb. & Weds. 9 Feb.
MANKEKAR, Purnima. “National Texts and Gendered
Lives: An Ethnography of Television Viewers in a North Indian City”.
American Ethnologist, Vol. 20, No. 3. (Aug., 1993), pp. 543-563.
Stable URL (this URL may not work from a non-library location--if so, go
to this link,,
login, and do a search for the article title):
Ch. 4, Being Trini and Representing Trinidad, 85-116. MILLER,
Daniel, and SLATER, Don. The Internet: An Ethnographic Approach.
Oxford: Berg, 2000.
BARWELL, Graham, and BOWLES, Kate. “Border
Crossings: The Internet and the Dislocation of Citizenship”. In David Bell
and Barbara M. Kennedy (eds), The Cybercultures Reader, Pp.702-711.
London: Routledge, 2000. [ON RESERVE]
Week 7
[return to top]
Mon. 14 Feb. (Reading Week - Closed)
Weds. 16 Feb. (Reading Week - Closed)
Week 8
[return to top]
Indigenous Peoples and the Media: Media Representations of Indigenous
Mon. 21 Feb. & Weds. 23 Feb.
Ch. 1. Southern Exposure: Portrayals of
the North, 13-35. In ALIA,
Valerie. Un/Covering the North: News, Media and Aboriginal
People. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1999. [ON RESERVE]
Knudson, J. Treatment of the Indian in the Bolivian press. In LENT, John
A., ed. Case Studies of Mass Media in the Third World.
Williamsburg, Va.: Dept. of Anthropology, College of William and Mary,
1980. [ON RESERVE]
Ch. 1, Indians, Images, and the News Media. In WESTON, Mary Ann. Native
Americans in the News: Images of Indians in the Twentieth Century Press.
Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1996. [ON RESERVE]
Film: Kayapo—Out of the Rain Forest.
Week 9
[return to top]
Indigenous Peoples and the Media: Representations by Indigenous
Peoples’ Media
Mon. 28 Feb. & Weds. 2 Mar.
Ch. 16. First Peoples’ Television in Canada’s North: A Case Study
of the Aboriginal Peoples Television Network. Lorna Roth, Carleton
University, 295-310. In ATTALLAH, Paul, and SHADE, Leslie Regan, eds.
Mediascapes: New Patterns in Canadian Communication. Scarborough, Ont:
Thomson Nelson, 2002. [ON RESERVE]
Ch. 2, Arrow with Voices: Evolution of Native Stations, 15-26. In KEITH,
Michael C. Signals in the Air: Native Broadcasting in America.
Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1995. [ON RESERVE]
Ch. 5, Waves for Kekewh: Impact of Indigenous Broadcasting, 97-112. In
KEITH, Michael C. Signals in the Air: Native Broadcasting in America.
Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1995. [ON RESERVE]
Ch. 3. Representation, Politics, and Cultural Imagination in Indigenous
Video: General Points and Kayapo Examples, 75-89, Terence Turner. In
GINSBURG, Faye D.; ABU-LUGHOD, Lila; and, LARKIN, Brian. Media Worlds:
Anthropology on New Terrain. Berkeley: University of California Press,
2002. [ON RESERVE]
Week 10
[return to top]
Indigenous Peoples and the Media: IndigeNets
Mon. 7 Mar. & Weds. 9 Mar.
Ch. 2, (Re)producing the Arctic in Cyberspace, 45-66. In
CHRISTENSEN, Neil Blair. Inuit in Cyberspace: Embedding Offline
Identities Online. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2003. [ON
POSTER, Mark. “Virtual Ethnicity: Tribal Identity in an
Age of Global Communications”. In Steven G. Jones (ed), Cybersociety
2.0: Revisiting Computer-Mediated Communication and Community, Pp.
184-211. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1998. [ON RESERVE]
“Use of Internet Communication Among the Sami People”, in
CULTURAL SURVIVAL QUARTERLY. 1998. Available online at:®ion_id=3&subregion_id=115&issue_id=19
“Standing Stones in Cyberspace: The Oneida Indian Nation's Territory on
Available online at:®ion_id=4&subregion_id=181&issue_id=19
Week 11
[return to top]
Race, Ethnicity and the Media
Mon. 14 Mar. & Weds. 16 Mar.
Ch. 2. The Media and Racism. In FLERAS, Augie, and LOCK KUNZ, Jean.
Media and Minorities: Representing Diversity in a Multicultural Canada.
Toronto: Thompson Educational Pub., 2001. [ON RESERVE]
Ch. 8. Miscasting Minorities: Patterns and Causes. In FLERAS, Augie, and
LOCK KUNZ, Jean. Media and Minorities: Representing Diversity in a
Multicultural Canada. Toronto: Thompson Educational Pub., 2001. [ON
Ch. 1. Cybertyping and The
Work of Race in the Age of Digital Reproduction, 1-30. NAKAMURA, Lisa.
Cybertypes: Race, Ethnicity, and Identity on the Internet. London:
Routledge, 2002. [ON RESERVE]
MILKIE, Melissa A. “Social Comparisons, Reflected
Appraisals, and Mass Media: The Impact of Pervasive Beauty Images on Black
and White Girls' Self-Concepts”. Social Psychology Quarterly, Vol.
62, No. 2, Special Issue: Qualitative Contributions to Social Psychology.
(Jun., 1999), pp. 190-210. Stable URL (this URL may not work from a
non-library location--if so, go to this link,,
login, and do a search for the article title):
Week 12
[return to top]
Gender and the Media
Mon. 21 Mar. & Weds. 23 Mar.
Ch. 19.
Image-Based Culture: Advertising and
Popular Culture: Sut Jhally. 327-336. In ASKEW,
Kelly, and WILK, Richard R. The Anthropology of Media: A Reader.
Oxford: Blackwell, 2002. [ON RESERVE]
Ch. 4, Sexed Subjects and Gendered Representations, 86-107. In BARKER,
Chris. Television, Globalization and Cultural Identities.
Buckingham, U.K.; Philadelphia, Pa. : Open University Press, 1999. [ON
Film: Dream Worlds
Week 13
[return to top]
Mon. 28 Mar. (Easter Monday - Closed)
Weds. 30 Mar. (no readings due for this week; final research
proposals due at the start of class) |